This should be interesting. I did not realize it had been so long since I last blogged and much has happened. Of course I won't remember too much of it but will try a little.
November, 2009 I had a wee bit of a stroke which damaged (permanently) a nerve in my ear. This nerve is important for equilibrium and vision. Needless to say I now walk around like a drunk and I have a hard time focusing clearly. I no longer driver the bus that I loved so much and am pretty much home bound unless Cheryl drives me somewhere. I spend my time on the computer doing indexing for genealogy people, teasing Cheryl and making her mad, and watching cowboy movies if they are on TV.
It has been sooooooooo cold here that we have only been fishing once. Didn't catch anything but we enjoyed it. It was nice to be outside instead of in the house. It snowed a little bit yesterday but right now it is fairly nice outside. I would go fishing except I have to go to a ladies house to set up a program on her computer.
I miss all my blogging buddies even though I didn't have that many. I do get on facebook whenever I think of it and just leave a comment now and then. If you wish to say hi on facebook just look for Tim Delaney. Of course you might tell me who you are so I don't think it is some hooker or worse and I just delete it.:))
Well, if anyone reads this please sign in and say hello. Have a nice day.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Was going to post a picture of the bus and me but couldn't find it sooooooooooo....
As you can tell my blogging has taken a turn for the worst. Maybe I am just too lazy to keep up with it. If I was popular like Pam I would probably do better. I do get some email messages from people who read my blog but never make a comment saying I haven't done it in a while. They probably think I am dead or something. Right Darla, Kay and Sarah?
School has started and I am driving almost everyday except Sunday and most Mondays. Have had the bus quit me already while taking the football team to their game..., didn't make for good feelings about my bus. I think I have taken every sports team we have plus the Jr. High volleyball team plus the music band. Whew, what an interesting diversity of personalities. Each group has a different mind set.
Cheryl is busy canning, waiting on me and making sure I am comfortable and well fed. She likes to experiment and this year was zucchini pickles which turned out to be very good. She also learned how to make zucchini pineapple which is quite a bit like the real pineapple. I am glad she likes to do this because our zucchini plant went crazy.
Our pepper plants have produced but due to the cool spring and not so hot summer they did not get extremely large but they sure have excellent flavor. The string beans went crazy and that is good for Cheryl because I don't especially like string beans. Now new potatoes and fresh peas from the garden, oh yum, yum, yum.
Looks like we are going to have to pull our tomatoes and hang them in the garage. The nights are just too cool for them to keep ripening.
Okay, enough about our garden. Cheryl and I are doing fine for a couple of old farts. We have our aches and pains but we keep plugging along. She is at the cannery today helping can whatever they are canning and she is with a lady that she really enjoys. Me, I have another run with the volleyball team.
Cheryl has learned to ride the atv and now there is a bunch of these "elderly" ladies that like to get on them and go riding. Personally I get quite a kick out of it all. I can just see Darla, Kay, Sarah, Pam and a few others that age riding around the countryside on atv's like a gang of hooligans. Ha, ha, ha. Go for it gals.
Guess I will close for now. Going to be a very busy week and I have not done one bit of indexing for genealogy so I have to get busy when I can. Take care.
Have a nice day everyone.
As you can tell my blogging has taken a turn for the worst. Maybe I am just too lazy to keep up with it. If I was popular like Pam I would probably do better. I do get some email messages from people who read my blog but never make a comment saying I haven't done it in a while. They probably think I am dead or something. Right Darla, Kay and Sarah?
School has started and I am driving almost everyday except Sunday and most Mondays. Have had the bus quit me already while taking the football team to their game..., didn't make for good feelings about my bus. I think I have taken every sports team we have plus the Jr. High volleyball team plus the music band. Whew, what an interesting diversity of personalities. Each group has a different mind set.
Cheryl is busy canning, waiting on me and making sure I am comfortable and well fed. She likes to experiment and this year was zucchini pickles which turned out to be very good. She also learned how to make zucchini pineapple which is quite a bit like the real pineapple. I am glad she likes to do this because our zucchini plant went crazy.
Our pepper plants have produced but due to the cool spring and not so hot summer they did not get extremely large but they sure have excellent flavor. The string beans went crazy and that is good for Cheryl because I don't especially like string beans. Now new potatoes and fresh peas from the garden, oh yum, yum, yum.
Looks like we are going to have to pull our tomatoes and hang them in the garage. The nights are just too cool for them to keep ripening.
Okay, enough about our garden. Cheryl and I are doing fine for a couple of old farts. We have our aches and pains but we keep plugging along. She is at the cannery today helping can whatever they are canning and she is with a lady that she really enjoys. Me, I have another run with the volleyball team.
Cheryl has learned to ride the atv and now there is a bunch of these "elderly" ladies that like to get on them and go riding. Personally I get quite a kick out of it all. I can just see Darla, Kay, Sarah, Pam and a few others that age riding around the countryside on atv's like a gang of hooligans. Ha, ha, ha. Go for it gals.
Guess I will close for now. Going to be a very busy week and I have not done one bit of indexing for genealogy so I have to get busy when I can. Take care.
Have a nice day everyone.
Monday, August 17, 2009
I have decided that all women are crazy, well, most women anyway. This silly woman that I am married to gets up every morning at 5:30 or 6:00 to read her scriptures and then go walking with a friend. Now who in their right mind does such a thing? I appreciate that she wants to get up that early but she always manages to disturb the sleeping beauty next to her and then I get a guilty feeling for not being up and doing things. Come on ladies..., old age is to be enjoyed by being lazy, going fishing, less yard work and etc., etc., etc. By the way Pam you have a lovely yard. Ours would look that nice if Cheryl would get up a little earlier and do some outside work.
What is going on in the life of Delaney? Nuthin, absolutely nuthin. Next week starts the driving for the school and then it will be busy, busy, busy, I hope. I am getting the itch to put the pedal to the metal.
It has been quite cool here the past few days and I love it but my tomatoes are hating it. I have so many but they are not turning red. What is a person to do? I look forward to having fresh tomatoes each year. We have so much spaghetti squash that I am sick of looking at it let alone eating it.
Good grief I really cannot think of anything to say. Now if Cheryl was doing this she would go on about anything and everything for ever and ever. Put a telephone in that woman's ear and she can talk all day long. Do I get fed when she gets that way..., noooooo. I am so abused.
Breakfast calling. Got to run.
Have a nice day everyone.
Friday, August 07, 2009

Cheryl and I would take shifts in watching for blood and tears while the other one took a time out and laid down. I cannot speak for Grandma but whenever I went to lay down I had all of them come and bother me at one time or another. Guess I wouldn't have it any other way.
Took the boys fishing every day for a week and we went to different lakes each time. The best lake was where the bluegill are and all I did was take fish off, put bait on, take fish off, put bait on. The bluegill were really hitting but they were very small so we didn't keep any. Probably a good thing since neither Cheryl or I know how to clean and prepare them for eating.
Cheryl took the gang to the local swimming place where they have a slide that a portion of it is known as the "black hole" and I guess it scares the by gollies out of you. Even the adults were thinking before launching.
We dug a fire pit in the back yard and had wiener roasts, mosquito bites, smoors, more mosquito bites and a lot of fun. Poor Jeremy is allergic to any bug bites and a mosquito bit him on the cheek which caused him to swell up big time. Isabelle would freak out at any bug she put eyes on. Mercy!!!
I could go on but it would be boring to all who reads this so I will close by saying this; Cheryl and I love our grandchildren but we sure are glad they are back home now. We took the Oklahoma kids back and it was a very, very, vvvveeeerrrryyyyyyy long trip. Coming back we decided to not drive the freeways and really enjoyed seeing some of the rural areas of Oklahoma and Colorado. We were going to drive over the Royal Gorge bridge but they wanted $28.00 admission fee so we slowly backed up and waved adios as we drove away. We topped a mountain pass at 11, 200 feet and we both were suffering from lack of oxygen. I never realized it until my reactions became very pronounced and slow. When we dropped down I got quite the head ache.
Now we are home, the zucchini is overrunning the place, the spaghetti squash is really overrunning the place, the tomatoes are thicker than thick but still not ripe, the green beans were begging to be picked and we have one pickle. Cheryl has a recipe that makes the best dill pickles.
We are healthy and fine. School will be starting soon which makes me happy. Right now the county fair is going on downtown and the cowboys and cowgirls are having their rodeo today. Cheryl has never been to a rodeo and I haven't seen one since I was about 13 years old. I just don't care for them.
Hope this finds all of you well and happy. I didn't realize that there are several who read my blog but never comment until I have not posted for a while. Sorry about that.
Have a nice day everyone.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Some pictures of when Cheryl and I went camping. Even though it rained every day and every night we still had a good time.
This is pretty much how the complete week looked from the campsite.
But did I complain? No sireeeee. I had a good book, (Brisinger), I was warm, my chef kept me well fed so I was happy.
The streams were all swollen. This is near the headwaters of the Cub River and although it rained, rained, and rained some more the water was very clear.

Yep, we were just below the snow line. To have this much snow at this time of year is very extraordinary.
Beautiful meadows of flowers. Look how green the mountains are.

Let it rain. I came prepared. Almost didn't get the fire going it was so damp.
Aw yes, marshmallows to roast. I normally don't eat them but this time they seemed quite tasty.
Okay, enough of this crap. I wanna go home! Whether rain or shine three days is my limit.
Have a nice day everyone.

Yep, we were just below the snow line. To have this much snow at this time of year is very extraordinary.

Let it rain. I came prepared. Almost didn't get the fire going it was so damp.

Have a nice day everyone.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
In recognition of Father's Day I came across this video from the Mormon church and really felt I should share it with my blogging buddies. Hope all of your Fathers and Husbands have a great day. Gifts are nice but having you is much nicer.
“A Father Indeed.”
Have a nice day everyone.
“A Father Indeed.”
Have a nice day everyone.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Okay. So I was going to post some pictures of where we went camping this last week butttttttttt, I came across this blurb from the women's guide and I just loved it and had to share it with all of you. Darned thing isn't too large but if you know how to enlarge it please do it and pay attention to the very last few items, especially the last one. Oh for the good old days.
I am always getting myself into hot water and this is an example of why.
Have a nice day everyone.

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