Friday, August 17, 2007

This motley crew is the Red Hat Downey High Steppers who won the Mayor's Choice Trophy in our county fair parade. The one at the top is my sweety and best friend.... Oh she is also my wife Cheryl. As you can tell the Mayor was desparate.................

Well one and all I am back in a fashion. I don't know how consistent I will be at blogging but will do my best. Sometimes the old world just crushes down on you and time flys by.

I can honestly say this has been the summer from HELL!!! I won't bore anyone with the whole story right now but will share bits and pieces as the days go on.

It all started with a trip to New Mexico and California which I really gritted my teeth over due to the longness of the trip and the hotness of the weather. Top that off with driving and being back in California the summer just was not destined to be a good one. While in California I started experiencing severe hip and leg pain and my legs would go completely numb causing me to collapse when I would be walking. (Please excuse my spelling today.) Cheryl had to drive most of the way home 'cause I was in so much pain.

It ended with me in the hospital having back surgery where they went and cut several of my vertebrae in half so my spinal cord could have some expansion room. For over two months I could not walk or sit (except in great pain and I do mean GREAT PAIN). Now I am recovering and doing very well. It will be a matter of days before I will be back to my normal, onery self.

Gee whiz Foam what happened to have you post the comments about men the way you did? That didn't sound like the sweet, loving, beautiful woman I had come to know in my writings.

Well, I am only supposed to sit up for 30 minutes at a time and this is going on over two hours so I am going to go lay down for a while.

Have a nice day everyone.


Still just me said...

Ouch! I am so sorry to hear about your back. Stay comfortable and as pain free as you can.

Welcome back as well.

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Oh, sounds like you have been through the ringer Tim!!! I sure hope you get well soon. I've never had back problems, but I'm sure it will take a while to recover.

Pamela said...

not a good thing to hear ---
hoping you recover and return to better health very soon!!

Mountain Mama said...

I hope you heal quickly and never have that problem again. No wonder you had a miserble summer!

The Ramblin Irishman said...

Thanks everyone for your comments and wishes. I am actually doing amazingly well considering it has only been two and 1/2 weeks now. Everyone I know says I am becoming more like my michievious self and that is a good thing.

darkfoam said...

hey, good to have you back!
i'm off to work and will spend more time later.
i'm not always sweet and loving and that whole post was not necessarily only about men..
and some flowers have thorns....that would be me.

i do hope you are recovering well. i hate to hear you had a summer of surgery and pain. i had hoped you were having a good summer.

Jeanette said...

OUCH Tim, Sorry to hear you have been in a lot of pain with your back hope your up and about very soon. Take care

Merle said...

Hi Tim ~~ Nice to see yu back, but I am so sorry to hear of your back surgery. I do hope that you will be fit and well again soon. Lucky that
Cheryl drives or you would have been in real trouble. Take care, all the best, Merle.

Tigersue said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! You take care of yourself, please. I am glad you are home and posting again!