Whew!! I am finally home from a four day trip to Boise with the track and field team. I enjoyed watching our kids compete but the overall experience of watching track and field is as exciting as watching cars rust. BORRRRRRRRINNNNGGGG. It appears that I am finished for this school year. I now have a full time job ducking and dodging Cheryl and all her honey do projects.
My friend Foam posted 10 things about herself that were interesting and eye opening. I thought I would give it a try about my 10 things.
1. Turn Offs:
Loud talking people, male or female.
People who seem to have no concern about their appearance.
Uncourteous people in stores and etc.
2. Turn On or Pleasing To Me:
Soft Music.
Mountains in the springtime.
Cheryl's laughter.
3. I love to tease and it gets me into lots of trouble.
4. I enjoy large equipment like trucks, buses, trains, airplanes. No boats though since I am slightly afraid of water.
5. I enjoy most animals. I really like horses, cattle, dogs (friendly ones), cats and the list continues with deer, elk, moose, bear, mountain lions. Just about any mountain animals in the northwest.
6. I am not romantic. I don't need a special day or time to get my wife a gift. Everyday she is a gift to me and she is my best friend as well as my lover and wife.
7. I like creating friendships to a point. I truly dislike it when others start to take advantage of our friendship. I like to flirt but if anyone truly made an advance on me I would run like a scared jackrabbit. However on the down side I have a very hard time trusting anyone. I keep wondering when they will do me dirt.
8. I do like guns and using them. Being raised with one was as natural as drinking water.
9. I enjoy movies and even an occasional chick flick.
10. I love living in Idaho with it's beautiful mountains, streams, fairly clean air and the freedoms I get to enjoy. I love the USA and am proud to be called an American.
So there you have a little something about me. I guess I should include that I am boring, boring, boring.
Guess I better close and get something done today. Cheryl is off to the cannery where she is volunteering her time making chicken soup for those who struggle. I just took a percocet to help with the pain and now am feeling sleepy so that will be the first project I will tackle.
Jeralee, I don't know if you read my drivel or not but we have Russian records that we are indexing and could sure use anyone who can read them. Hint, hint, hint.
Have a nice day everyone.