When I first saw this picture it made me think of my daughter-in-law who lives in California... I call her Ol Grizz.
I have not died, had an accident, been beat up by Cheryl nor any other kind of bad thing happen to me. The state athletic tournaments have been the last three weeks and I have been living in my bus taking students to and from the events. The couple of days I have been home each week have proven unproductive because I have been so tired that all I want to do is sleep. Starting this week the runs are not so long, although I do have four days again, and hopefully not so tiring.
Last Thursday I was fighting snow for 300 miles and I was so tensed up by the time I arrived in Caldwell, Idaho that I could not rest at all that night, even though I thought I was tired. Oh well enough of that. I will quit sniveling.
Hope everyone is doing well. I still have not had time to read any blogs but promise I will one of these days. Schaumi did you change your blog name? Listen buddy, I am a fair detective and will find it so you just as well tell me where you are now.
Won't be long and the Robins will be chirping, the Killdeer's will be chirping and the baseball bats will be smacking. Best of all though... the ice will be going and the fish will be there for the taking. Oh yeah. I don't have time to set down to the computer and keep up my blogging how in the world will I find the time to fish? Priorities that is how.
I have met some very nice people while doing what I do. I have the gift of gab (some people have a different name for it) and I like to walk up to a stranger and just start a conversation. Now there are those who would not believe this because most of my life I have been somewhat of a recluse. Didn't like being around people and definitely didn't like talking to them. Up until a few years ago people would tell me that I was not a friendly person and they were right. It is all that darned Cheryl's fault. I was happy being a recluse but she just would not have it. Took her about 35 years of marriage but she finally created a monster. Now when we go to social activities she is the one waiting for me to quit talking so we can leave. I swear she and I have done role reversals.
Got to quit for today. I appreciate those who have checked my blog to see if I was back. I can tell by the counter that someone has been here. Got another four days of running this week but will try and do better about blogging.
Have a nice day everyone.
you'll never be able to find me, irishman.....:)...:P
glad you are back safe and sound though.
The nice things about bloglines is that you light up ... saving me a trip through the ice to see if you are home.
of course all you have to do is click on foam..:)..
but i'm taking a bit of a break right now.
yes, it's foam...
for now anyway. maybe i'll change my mind again and blog as Ulrich or something..
Welcome back.. look forward to your posts.
Well, well Timmy me boy, it's good to see you back among us again. I must admit that I am one of the ones that made your counter count. haha
So, Cheryl has really been lucky lately. You've been gone from home a lot with this driving thing you do. (duck and run) LOL
Thanks for visiting my blog today to let me know of your return.
I'm glad to see you have been behaving yourself. :)
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