Isn't this a gorgeous picture? I make butterflies out of 2 liter soda bottles and this will definitely be one of my patterns.
Well the weekend is over and I hope everyone made it back home safely and soberly. Lots of barbeques going on and good food consumed. Me, I got a bowl of cold cereal, a cold hot dog and a comment to be grateful for what I got or I could fix my own. (Just kidding) We didn't do much this past weekend. Went to our daughters place in Paradise, UT and visited with them for an afternoon but that was the highlight of our weekend. Cheryl is out of school and just bursting with projects to get done around the house. I am trying to find something to put in her food so she will slow down and let me get my rest.
I bought a pontoon boat over a month ago and it has yet to see the water. Either the wind has been blowing like all the politicians in Utah are talking at once or I have been off doing other things. Maybe this week.
Now listen, the squirrel remedy is supposed to work and I am sure hoping so because I need to keep them out of my garden. Last year they mowed down my beet tops like a lawn mower. I know if you hang a 3/4 can of beer where wasps and yellowjackets are they are attracted to the beer and drown themselves. Of course they do it with a large smile on the faces.
I don't know if my sister Aleaha reads these anymore since we don't hear from her anymore. If she didn't read my blogs I would share some family secrets... NOT!!
Well Cheryl says I have to clean the garage today, finish planting the garden and still do my 200 names of indexing. She plans on taking it easy. Sure wish some of you folks would get involved in genealogy and help with this indexing of the 1900 census. It is a BIG project and open to anyone.
Just got a chance to watch the movie Eragon and it was good. However after reading both the books the movie leaves out sooooooo much that I felt I missed too much. Oh well. Tonight is another John Wayne movie... yeah THE DUKE!!! There will never be another John Wayne, never. Rough, tough, lover of horses, sometimes mean to the bone and yet cool, suave and romantic for the women. Oh yeah, the Duke.
Here is another tip about taking care of ticks should you happen to be out in the woods and gather some.
Tick Warning
I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it
myself a couple times unintentionally... but this one is real, and it's
important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list.
If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks
due to the warm weather and asks you to take your clothes off and dance
around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!! They only want
to see you naked.
I wish I'd gotten this email yesterday. I feel so stupid.
Have a nice day everyone.