Friday, February 08, 2008

Why this picture? Because Cheryl calls me her "Bear" and thought the picture appropriate.

Just got a few minutes this "am" before setting out again so thought I would mention a conversation between Cheryl and I last night. I am sure many people have similar conversations about things that make no sense what so ever.

Cheryl, of course, was teasing me and I blew her a raspberry. I do this when I can not think of anything wise or humorous to say. The conversation:

Tim: Did you know that when you blow a raspberry your upper lip vibrates?

Cheryl: (After trying her own raspberry), My upper lip doesn't vibrate, it is my lower lip.

Tim: Well dislexic people do things backwards. (Blows another raspberry), nope it is the upper lip.

Cheryl: If you say so but mine is still the lower lip.

And the conversation continues with juicy raspberries being blown at full steam.

Another conversation we had.

Tim: Did you know I can suck my upper lip up my nose?

Cheryl: Well why would I want to know that?

Tim: You're just jealous because you can't do it.

Cheryl: I can to. (Makes many feeble attempts to suck her lip up her nose... can't do it)

Enter our daughter Kim into the conversation.

Kim: You guys are weird. Look Mom I can suck my lip up my nose.

We all stand around doing strange things with our lips and noses.

Another conversation between Cheryl and I.

Tim: Did you know that if you take a worm and turn him inside out, then a robin comes along and eats that worm, the worm will actually think he is eating the robin.

Cheryl: Why would I want to know this? Why not turn the robin inside out?

Tim: You crazy old woman you don't get the big picture here.

Cheryl: Guess what? I don't really care either.

Now I am telling you we have very interesting conversations in our home. Do any of you readers have interesting conversations in your homes?

I smell bacon cooking so this must end. Hope your day has been brightened and you are safe and happy. Some of you had better be taking your med's and don't pull that headache stuff on your poor spouse.

Have a nice day everyone.


..................... said...

silly peoples ..
both the upper and lower lip vibrate ..

ps: bacon is not good for your blood pressure ..
you ought to be eating tofu..
did you take your meds today? ..

Pamela said...

both my lips vibrate.. and it tickles my nose, too.

I'll have to pay more attention to our conversations.

Lowa said...

Maybe I am unclear as to what a raspberry is??

Don't you use your tongue?? Isn't it just sticking your tongue out and waggling it around very fast?? Because if that is it, then only the lower one does. On ME anyway.

Yes, we have odd converstaions as well around here. I KNEW we had more in common than the Irish thing:)

Lay off the bacon, sir! I hope you only have some once a week or so, eh?? I know it is tempting and totally delicious but seriously. Too much is NOT a good thing!