Friday, September 08, 2006

I want you to know I do read different blogs but lately I just have not had time to make too many comments. Schaumi I tried several times one day to post a comment but the system just would not let me in. Must have put an Irish block on it.

I found out how to bring total silence to a bus full of kids (girls actually). On the way home from a game the other night the volleyball team was a singing and expending lots of energy. I waited for a pause in between songs and then started howling like a dog who's ears were hurting. I think I shocked them because no driver has ever acted that way before. Once the shock wore off the laughter started and the songs grew louder. I love hauling kids like that. They keep me young at heart.

Took the varsity volleyball team to Idaho Falls yesterday, (they got their behinders kicked quite badly) but on the way home I could not believe how many vehicles were on the highway. This is Idaho for crying out loud. Half the states population had to have been driving last night and half of the half had their bright lights on. We are farmers in this country. What happened to the good old farmer who went to bed at 10:00pm right after the news and was up at the crack of dawn? I am talking about midnight last night and it was bumper to bumper traffic. California yes, but Idaho no, no, no.

I had a guy flip me off the other day. It shocked the girls that he would do it. I was trying to make a turn off a busy street and this guy and the female he was with had me blocked. I pointed to where I was trying to go and motioned to them that if they would just back up a little I could get out of the way. "SALUTE!!" Now, I don't take salutes very well. I have been known to break fingers over things like that. I invited him to come over to the bus and we would discuss the situation like gentlemen but he didn't want no part of that. Oh well, it is water under the bridge now. I felt bad that I reacted like I did and wanted to discuss his "salute" in person. People can be so ignorant at times.

Cheryl is having a Red Hat meeting here today. I cannot figure out women. (DUH) As if they don't have enough to do but then they go and start up these clubs or whatever because they need a social life. What better social life can you have than with your husband? Why get married? We husbands can take care of all your needs! Sorry Dana but I just had to say this. Luce will probably tear me apart and what Schaumi will say... well you know Germans. Oh, I have a story to tell. Looks like this is a long blog but when I look at next weeks schedule this will probably be my last blog for a week.

A soldier was in the middle of a firefight when he ran out of bullets. Surrounded by the enemy he frantically looked around for some means to defend himself. Nothing. As a final desparate gesture to the advancing enemy he pointed his finger and went, "Bang, bang, bang." To his surprise three of the enemy fell down dead in their tracks. "Hmmmm," he said, "What caused that?" Pointing his finger again he went, "Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang," and several more of the enemy fell dead. Finally all that was left of the enemy was one lone soldier. Smiling to himself the man pointed his finger at the enemy and went "BANG." Nothing happened. The enemy soldier just kept marching toward him. "Bang, bang, bang," Nothing and the enemy was gettin uncomfortably close. "Rat ta tat,tat,tat; Bang, bang, bang", but the finger failed him this time. The enemy soldier marched up to the man, stomped him in the ground and continued on his way. The man drug his poor torn up body to the rim of his foxhole wondering what kind of enemy he just encountered. As he watched his enemy's back he could hear him say, "Tanka, tanka, tanka."

Have a nice day everyone.


..................... said...

i say, irishman, you are quite a corker...LOL

oh, and yes, if you want a social life with your dear Cheryl I suggest you don a red hat. I think you would look quite dapper in one. Make it a big floppy one with a long feather.

ps: i sometimes have problems with commenting too.....blogger won't let me through. funny how that happens..

Tigersue said...

Very cute Irishman. I don't know if it was blogger or what, but Téa couldn't post on my blog the other day and I use Haloscan now.