Saturday, March 04, 2006


Okay, okay I apologize for yesterdays picture of the cupholder. I am sorry Schaumi.

I have a question for everyone to voice their opinion on. What do you think of when you hear someone use the word "mush". I asked this question to a group of the younger generation and it was very interesting to hear the answers.

For some reason I got to thinking about visits to the dentist. I think it is because my cousin said she had to go and have some work done on her teeth. I have not been to the dentist for many, many years; in fact the last visit, I think, was in 1966 while I was in AIT at Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. I had a full Colonel pull my wisdom teeth, which had abcessed very badly, and he did a temendous job. Yes, he left some wisdom in me! Sheesh, I can just hear the comments now.

The day after I graduated from high school in 1961 I had my teeth removed and dentures put in. For some reason people in the valley where I grew up had a history of bad teeth and I was just another statistic. I remember the dentist was a very small man and he had to stand on the end of the chair to actually pull some of my teeth. While he was trying to pull the canine teeth he got so tired that he just let the pliers hang in my mouth while he took a break. I have been one of those who did not mind false teeth since my originals were so bad and so bad looking. Here is a picture of my dentures now. Sorry Schaumi, I try to keep it on the more pleasant side but the devil just gets a hold of me sometimes.

No, we did not get the house through escrow this week. Seems that the underwriter got a wild hair and wanted some more information at the last minute. Talk about take the wind out of your sails just when we thought we had the race won.

Below is a joke that my cousin, (a woman) sent me and I thought since it was harmless I would share it. Have a nice day everyone.


Two hillbillies Ed and Red walk into a bar. While having a shot ofwhiskey, they talk about their moonshine operation.

Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. One of the hillbillies looks at her and says, "Kin ya swallar?" The woman shakes her head no. "Kin ya breathe?" The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no.

The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up the back of her dress, yanks down her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue. The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the obstruction flies out of her mouth.

As she begins to breathe again the hillbilly walks slowly back to the bar. His partner says, "Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick Maneuver', but I ain't never seed nobody do it!"


Fried Lemon Pie said...

Mush to me, means some over romantic, love sick nonsense.

Lowa said...

I sure needed that laugh! LOL

Mush means oatmeal. Or something along those lines.

Sorry your house situation isn't working better for you. That is so frustrating!

I want false teeth. My teeth are horrible. MY Dad got his dentures when he was 26, I think it was?? And my Mom just a year or two ago. I am sure I will end up with them. We just have horrible teeth. I need SO MUCh work done, it is just silly. I don't have the time, desire, or finances to do it.

Good to be back, will try to catch up on all the entries in your blog that I missed:)

..................... said...

Mush reminds me of the children's book "Goodnight Moon" where the little boy says "goodnight mush" to a bowl of oatmeal.
Heck, keep 'em as tacky as you want. Life would be really boring without silly tackiness. No need to apologize to me. And I am sorry about your house.