Monday, October 02, 2006

I get the craziest pictures sent to me and I just have to pass them on or post them.

I had a chance to glance at Schaumi's blog with the egg picture and a comment by K-9 reminded me of a situation I had when I was about 4 or 5 years old and I remember it very well.

I had just started living with my adopted family and for some reason I could not get enough to eat. Morning time especially found me starving for more breakfast. Often the other kids would not finish their meals and the remains were given to the dog. It would be oatmeal or eggs or whatever. I would wait until the dish for the dog was placed outside and then I would go and eat all of it.

The dog, Old Tip, would stand there and watch but I guess he was plotting his revenge 'cause one day as I was dining in his dish he walked up to me, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and drug me away. Then he proceeded to finish the meal without as much as a backward glance. Needless to say it startled me so bad that I never bothered Old Tip's food anymore.

So Schaumi you reminded me of something I had forgotten, thank you. I don't know if my kids know about this story or not.

Have a nice day everyone.

1 comment:

..................... said...

Wow, what a story.
Poor old dog.
But he showed you didn't he. that is too funny.