Thursday, January 11, 2007

This time of year makes you feel this way.

I was just reading some blogs and Pamela had a list of things to comment on so I will do mine. Gwen cracked me up with her jokes. All in all it sounds like everyone is suffering from blogging blues. Maybe it is just winter and we don't function as well in the winter.

Here is the list of items from Pamela who lives in Washington.

As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be an air force pilot and fly jet fighters. I lived for that but when I got all my teeth pulled out the day after my high school graduation I could no longer pass the physical. I was devastated.

If you had to choose one thing that you've always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you?
I would like to be a public speaker. I like getting up in front of audiences and talking (assuming I am well versed on the subject). The thing that stops me is lack of knowledge, lack of knowing how to find that line of work and lack of self confidence that someone would actually want me to speak.

Who is your biggest fan? Who is always encouraging you to be all that you can be?
This is an easy one. My wife is my biggest fan and she constantly tells me I can do anything I want. Without her I would be a bum.

What book has most impacted your life to date?
The most obvious is the scriptures. Other books would be, dumb as it sounds, all Louis L'Amour books since the hero is honest, hard working, faithful to a fault and likes not only his horse but the girl as well. Honestly I have never thought about any one book influencing me.

5. When are you the happiest?
Generally when Cheryl and I are doing things together. Other times are when "true" friends are around and we just enjoy each others company. That does not happen very often.

So there you have another insight to the Ramblin Irishman. Kind of a dud really. Boring, very boring.

Anyone care to answer these 5 questions on their blog? Let me know if you do so I can be sure and visit.

Have a nice day everyone.


Gwen said...

Hi Tim..
Thanks for dropping in,i didnt mean
to get you into trouble.
It's probably the way you tell the
joke thats the problem Ha!!
I'm not sure what I want to be when
Talk again soon.

..................... said...

hey, irishman, get me off their mailing list while you are at it, will ya? i don't think you are a dud and i doubt cheryl and your children think you're duddish either.
..and i still haven't quite figured out what to be when i grow up..
i did give up on the princess idea a long time ago.

Pamela said...

Nice list. Bloggin in a way is like being a public speaker. The only difference is you are sitting instead of standing.

Isn't it great to have a spouse that hangs on tight.

The scripture answer was very good. It was originally in the question.. Bible Study or book is what it really asked. So you were very intuitive to catch that.

Hope you have a HAPPY EVENING --

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

We must get the same emails... hahaha