Considering the devastation from hurrican Katrina those folks in New Orleans might consider this type of housing for the future.
I read an interesting tidbit in the news yesterday that I just have to make a comment on. It seems there is a group of (I will say "idiots" for lack of a better word) in the South that want their states to sucede from the United States of America. Not only is it some southerners but their are some in the New England states who advocate this as well. Apparently they think each state should become an independent nation of their own. They are working on getting other states to join them including California which is where anything weird is going to happen no matter what.
Folks wake up!!! This has been tried back in the 1860's and it didn't turn out too well then. Sure America has problems but it is still the best around. I wonder how many of these parents when they conceived thought to themselves, "I want my child to grow up and become a complete idiot." It is amazing how fast we forget our history lessons. Harrumph!!! Enough of this chatter.
Took the Jr High School volleyball teams yesterday. They got blown out but it didn't seem to dampen their enthusiasm about life. They were laughing and yakking as if nothing had happened at all. One little gal kept "signing" me that I was handsome. Little does she know that I took a sign language class and do understand and remember the GOOD words. Another one approached me and said, "I have to do this as a dare. I want to tell you that you are the best bus driver we have known." Yes, my head swelled a wee bit. Those kids sure keep me thinking on a younger level. I think that is why Cheryl has been a Pre-K teacher for so many years; she loves children and they bring so much joy to her. (Of course our own kids were a whole different story... little brats anyway.)
Thinking of my little brats I think I will go call my son and tell him I love him.
Have a nice day everyone.
I want to learn sign language one of these days...
The teacher in my first grade classroom signs every day. I am happy to say that I am actually learning something in her class.
you should sign back and say
"thank you"
i have no doubt that you are the nicest bus driver they have.
kids can keep you young, but i declare that sometimes they make me feel if i were a hundred years old.
I am so glad to see you posting again. It really makes me smile.
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