I hope I am not offending anyone with this blog but if I do, well, as I have said before it is my opinion and no one elses.
I was raised in country where guns and living were as common as bread and butter; it was a fact of life. Everyone had a gun of some sort. Why? Who knows. Some of us liked to hunt or just target shoot, others liked to have them just to say they had them. Many times the second group could not shoot worth a hoot but they liked their rifles or handguns.
I made most of my bullets. It was a hobby at the time and I enjoyed doing it. It was fun to take different loads and see how they performed, mostly while target shooting. I never hunted animals just to kill unless they were a threat to crops or domestic animals. Many people object to the hunting of ground squirrels but if they owned land and could see the damage those varmints do they would join in on the hunt. Rabbits are cute and cuddly unless they are out destroying your hay crops or grain, let alone the diseases they carry. I will admit I never shot a rabbit unless it was hunting season for them and then I shot them because they were good to eat. If that makes me a bad man then I guess I am.
As I have gotten older I have lost much interest in guns and hunting. Why? Because it just doesn't appeal to me like it did when I was younger. I would like to own a shotgun and try my hand at turkey hunting. Turkeys have a reputation of being one of the wiliest critters around.
Do I own any guns? No, I do not. I had all of my guns stolen in California and have not had any desire to replace them. What is the point of this blog? There are many who are against owning guns and I disagree with them. If someone does not want to own a gun then don't; it is that simple. All of my children grew up with me teaching them about the proper technique of using firearms and they are very safe with them. I have yet to see a gun jump off the wall, point itself at someone or something and go off on purpose; it just does not happen.
I have no idea why I am writing about this today. Must be in another preaching mood. I am suffering from cabin fever and need to go fishing. Of course I read of those who are against fishing because we are hurting the fish when we catch them. Sheesh, it is always something.
Have a nice day everyone.Doctors-The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000 -
Accidental deaths causedby physicians per year are 120,000 -
Accidental deaths per physician is17.14%
Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services==================================================
Guns-The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes that's 80million) -
The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups,is 1,500
The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%
Statistics courtesy of the FBI==================================================
So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerousthan gun owners!!Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.
FACT: NOT EVERYONE HAS A GUN, BUT ALMOST EVERYONE HAS AT LEAST ONE DOCTOR.Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!
Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.