Wednesday, April 19, 2006

To bad this picture isn't for real. What has happened to our country and its beliefs in God? As you read all the history papers about the revolution and the creating of our country God was so prevalent in the directing of thoughts. Now we are forbidden to even mention Him almost to the point of casual conversation. It reminds me of the stories from the Old Testament where the Hebrews were forbidden to worship their God and death was the penalty. Are we getting to that point? I hope not.

Okay, if there are any nurses who read this dribble I need an opinion. A person comes to you and is experiencing major shortness of breath, heavy sweating and the "right" arm is hurting, not the left, would it cause you concern? What would you say to that person?

It is a beautiful day here in Idaho. A little on the cool side last night but full sunshine today which should dry up the garden area and let us plant some seeds before the weekend. We have about 30 strawberry plants that our daughter gave us so we need to get busy. Maybe this year we will have some tomatoes, squash, fresh peas, pickles or anything else I can think of that might grow. yum, yum.

Hey, has anyone seen the new Nebraska quarters? I still need one Kansas to make my collection complete to date, but I heard Nebraska is now out although the bank here has not seen them.

I can tell the end of the school year is approaching. Those of you who are teachers have become quieter on the blogging and are probably busy with year end programs and etc. Just think only a month or more and you will be bored and looking forward to next years crop of new students, new challenges, new laws to worry you and new parents to put up with.

Well I have to get moving. Cheryl and I are attending the temple today in Logan plus I have a doctors appointment to find out why the bleeding will not stop. If he tells me to quit doing so much I am going to get my fishing gear and park my hindend down by the fishing hole and just veg. Can't get much easier than that.

Have a nice day everyone.


Lowa said...

The thing I find interesting is that some people came to this country back in the day to flee from religious persecution. And all they did was come here to start what they were running from. They persecuted!!!

My kids and I are studying "Colonial Times" right now and my kids pointed that out. I thought it was hitting the nail on the head. My one son is so mad about them coming here to take away the Indian's land, he can hardly focus on the lessons! Says he is ashamed to be white and of English decent. I remind him HE personally has not done those things, but he still fumes.

What you speak of is yet another reason we educate our kids at home. We talk about God, do our devotions, pray etc etc and no can bother us about it.

Wish I was a nurse so I could answer your question. I have a friend who is one, I will ask her and get back to you.

Hope your bleeding problem gets taken care of!

Tigersue said...

Just the shortness of breath and the heavy sweating would concern me!

Kate Olson said...

Was that shortness of breath, or full of hot air? I got confused.