Friday, April 28, 2006

This will be short today. I just read where the immigrants (and not all of them) want our national anthem sung in spanish. That is just going too far. What gives with these people anyway? Do we go to their countries and raise all kinds of hell about being treated like foreigners in their country? We wouldn't dare in the first place, we would be shot or at least arrested and thrown in their prison system to rot. If we went to their countries and spray painted our slogans or gang markings all over the place we would be dealt with harshly. Of course from what I have seen I doubt they would even notice new spray markings.

It just raises my hackles to have them come here and want to change our national anthem to another language mainly because they are too lazy to learn english.

I went into the Diamond Shamrock gas station today and asked for five dollars worth of gas. The clerk farted and gave me a receipt. Thank you Ron for this statement.

Have a nice day everyone.


Tigersue said...

I was glad to hear some of the hispanic stations refuse to play that version(s) of the anthem because they felt that national anthems should be sung in that nations language. Yeah for them.

..................... said...

Heck, I want the National Anthem sung in German now since I am half German. Oh, I'm also supposed to have some French in me. I want it sung in French too. How about it sung in Gaelic, Irishman, and Italian, Swedish, Russian, various African languages, Native American languages etc. What a bunch of hogwash. English is the official language of the USA and that is what is what the National Anthem ought to be sung in.

PS: I've actually heard the National Anthem sung in the Cherokee language. It was beautiful. If anything we should have versions in the different Native American languages.