I have to admit there are times when I am not so brilliant. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to put a picture in my profile. I also get some very funny emails with animated pictures that I would love to use with my blogs but I cannot get them to attach. If someone would like to help a poor, senile, old man I would appreciate it and when I find a poor, senile, old man I will pass it on to him. Some of you guys do very neat things with your blogs and it makes me jealous. I think it is Sunshine that has the videos and they are awesome.
We went up to our daughters house yesterday so Cheryl and she could prepare for their community education class they teach. While there we found out that one of the dogs had bitten their boy and of course everyone was greatly concerned why. Come to find out the boy had hit the dog with a stick that had nails in it and the dog was just protecting himself. Three year olds, ya just gotta love them. Of course their dogs are dobermans so there was a need for concern although this particular dog is a whimp.
It reminded me of when I first joined the family that adopted me. I was about 4 or 41/2 years old at the time and for some reason I could never get enough to eat. This family did not know about dog food that you could buy, it was table scraps or nothing, so when the girls would not finish their meals out to the dog it went. Since I could not get enough to eat guess who else went out to the dog dish to eat? Yep, and the dog was not happy with me. This went on for a few days and the dog decided enough was enough.
I was out there one morning enjoying a meal, in the dog dish, of half eaten eggs, half eaten mush (that is what we would call cooked cereal) when the dog decided to take matters into its own paws. His name was Tip. Old Tip came over to me, while I was enjoying my thoroughfare, reached down and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. He proceeded to drag me about 20 feet or so, plopped me down and went back to his dish as if to say, "This is mine. Don't let me catch you in it again." Needless to say I did not attempt to bother old Tip's food anymore.
I have enjoyed several dogs in my life but it took the last one to make me appreciate having a dog for a friend. On the farm dogs were just a part of life like cows, horses, pigs (well they could be left out) and all the other animals. It was 16 years ago we received a little lap dog that we named Dusty and he was with us up 'til the time we had to put him to sleep. He was so much fun and at times a great pain in the southerly end. He was the one who actually picked out the kitten we wanted and they were the best of friends. Now the kitten is a 20 pound fatso and believe it or not he really misses Dusty.
I have got to get my wife to tell me stories of her past. I keep telling her she needs to do some rebuttals but she trusts me, heh heh heh, the silly woman. My wife is an extremely neat person and I know she would not be as boring as I am. I might even tell stories about some of my relatives but, heaven help us all, I don't know if I can print such horrible items. (Nila) (Janet) (Ron) (Matt) Mercy, it scares me to think of it. I get nervous talking about our friend Amber whom we have not heard from for a while. Have there been any UFO sightings around the Denver area lately? Maybe she went home for a visit.
Lara if you still read these silly things of mine I hope you are forgiving of my grammar and spelling. As a professional it must grate a little to see someone write so poorly.
A question: If a man is called a stud what is his wife called? A studette?
Got to stop. Breakfast is calling and it is in no dog dish this morning, yet. Below is a picture of our Dusty.