Thursday, February 09, 2006

Have You Missed Me? :)

I have had some of you wondering if everything was all right here at home since I have not written anything for a while. Things are fine. I am suffering from blog bloc. Actually I have been in a bit of a depression lately and don't let anyone fool you, depressions are hell. Out of my six children, 4 of them take anti-depressants and I have been on them for about 10 years or so and wished I had them when I was a teen-ager. The doctors say it is some chemical imbalance or whatever. I know when I stopped taking my medicine the whole family could tell right away.

Update on Cheryl: she goes into the doctor next week for (I won't spell this right) arthroscopic surgery on her knee she damaged when she fell. Apparently she tore the miscus in her kneecap and it needs to be fixed to prevent further future damage.

The house thing has been stressing me out. There are so many rules and regulations that must be followed and all of them take their sweet time in being achieved. We have placed an offer, received a counter-offer, then placed another offer and now are awaiting the decision by the seller. We are hoping there will be no problems 'cause we sure like the community. We stopped by the school there the other day and both of us can obtain part time work.

Sorry about no humourous statements today. Guess I am in too serious of a mood lately. I promise I will repent and get back to my old self very shortly.

Just had a good old breakfast of ham, eggs and grits. If you have never eaten grits you are missing a treat. When I was on my mission for the LDS church, way back when the covered wagons were the mode of transportation, my companion and I decided to try grits one day. We made a BIG old pot of them. We tried milk and sugar with them, we tried honey with them, we tried butter and syrup with them, finally we threw them out in the garbage. Never had grits again until Cheryl fixed them; they are not so bad after all.

Good grief we received some very frightening news last night. The mother ship is depositing one of its rejects on our doorstep next week. Amber is coming to Utah! I cried for two hours after I heard the news. What did we do to the aliens to make them treat us like that? I am sorry but I refuse to be nice when she is here. If I was nice she would wonder if I was sick. Someday I will post a picture we took of Amber and you all will see what I am talking about. Right now all our pictures are packed and I refuse to dig through things to find them.

Have a nice day everyone.


Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...


So glad to see you posting again. I was wondering where you were.....but hey, I haven't exactly been regular about posting these days myself either! Sorry about the depression thing. I have been there myself and it is ABSOLUTELY no fun. It is a chemical thing though and it does get better with medication so keep plugging away. :) Yes, we have missed you. And looking for a house is very stressful its normal! (and it sucks)

Tigersue said...

Even if not feeling your best, and up to par, you still have a sense of humor! I mean really traveling with the covered wagons!

Alpha Male said...

Yes you outlaw brother, I did miss your blogs. Hope Cheryl will feel better soon. I had that surgery on my left Knee back when snail mail was all there was. Just make sure Dr. do it right and not like Janet's. Depression whats that??LOL
I'e heard it this way depression sucks...and then you get over it or not.. I had to make the choice but mind you it isn't easy. I'm proof of that. Of corse Cheryl's mean steak does't help.

Alpha Male said...


Amber said...

Holy Moly - I am coming your way and I am bringing all the crap back that you have sent my way!! Be careful of what you wish for cuz it just might come true. I am living proof of that concept. Can't wait to see you 7 days and counting. Lots of Colorado Love - Amber :)

Holly said...

Well since you seem to be the popular one around here I must put my 2 cents worth in as well. Depression?? Seems to be something we all have in common lol and I will second the motion that it does suck! My psychiatrist says that 50% is inherited (eehh hem thanks Dad.) and the other 50% is all the crap that life throws your way and I must be in the line of fire cause I get a bunch of crap thrown at me constantly. But my Wise father says that it makes you stronger and that I will agree this is true. It makes you wonder when you pray to God for strength what you are really asking Because I sure don't ask for the things he gives me lol. But anyways I will pray for Aunt Cheryl as well and hope everything will get better for her. Keep Laughing its good for the soul. So that means you better keep blogging because I missed your blogs as well.

Hope said...

Welcome back.
I don't get "grits". Now I,ve only had them a couple of times on my visits to your country, but don't they just taste like fried "Cream of Wheat"? Cream of Wheat is that white porridge stuff that your mom used to have to put a large tablespoon of jam or brown sugar on to give it any taste at all.
Anyway I think anything you have to load up with "condiments" to choke down is suspect.

Fried Lemon Pie said...

Missed you loads!!!