Wednesday, February 15, 2006

True Ramblins 'Bout Nothing

I have been listening to so much country western music while I convert my cousin's cassettes to cd that I am starting to act like a geetar peeker. (Hence the picture)

I see that Sadam Hussein is going on a hunger strike in protest. Now this is something that I cannot figure out. What good does it do to starve yourself just to protest something? In Sadam case I say let him starve. It would save everyone millions of dollars if he should just up and expire.

Got up this morning to find about six to eight inches of new snow on the ground. I guess I had better repent of my light hearted jabs at the Canadian olympic team. They take that kind of stuff serious and send things like snowstorms your way. Sheesh, just joking guys.

Guess what? After spending 5 days looking for my doctor so I could get some relief from my problems, I finally found him. I have an appointment today and possibly he might do some surgery this weekend although I am not holding my breath. I know my neighbors must think I am some kind of hermit because I never come out of my house. I don't dare! Just walking the length of the house sends me rushing to the porcelain kingdom.

We still don't know the final verdict on the house we placed an offer on. We found some things we felt should be addressed before we purchased and the other side is mulling things over. Since it is a foreclosed house I am hoping the bank will be wanting to unload it and let us move in. I don't think I am being unreasonable by asking that all the water leaks are fixed, the termites are sprayed for and the heating is working in good condition.

Haven't had much sleep lately so am not focusing too well. Think I will close and go take a nap for a few minutes. The medical problem won't allow me to sleep more than 45 minutes at a time if even that long. Take care and LOWA thanks for helping me understand your handle but I still disagree with you about the motorcycle. A motorcycle is to be treated like a delicate woman or flower; with much tlc. A car, on the other hand, is just a metal contraption used to transport people and objects, not to turn heads as it roars down the road.:)

I wanted to ask LOWA, are you related to Lara or friends or just met on the blog? Actually it is none of my nosy business so you don't have to tell me if you don't want.

I am begging for everyone's prayers (if you pray) this coming weekend. The mother ship is actually coming and depositing Amber and you cannot imagine the horror of that. It means my life will be disrupted and I will be abused. I guess it could be worse; it could be my sister in law, Janet. hee hee. Yes, Janet I still love you.


1 comment:

..................... said...

Still having plumbing problems? I'll pray about that. Enjoy your visit with Amber. I know you are looking to it very much.