Noticed this on LOWA's blog and thought it would be fun to do. I like these things because I learn so much about a person. Soooooooooooo, if you want to fill in your own answers please let me know so I can read them.
1. Where is your cell phone? Charging on the dresser.
2. Where is your significant other? Out in the kitchen fixing supper.
3. Your hair color? Salt and pepper now. It used to be black as our American Pre..., I can't say that.
4. Your mother? In heaven praying for her wayward son.
5. Your father? In heaven praying for his wayward son.
6. Your favorite thing? Ohhhhhhh, lots of things. Mostly that which Cheryl and I can do together.
7. Your dream last night? Probably another nightmare which had me working for Halliburton again.
8. Your dream/goal? To visit Alaska, Ireland, and make it to the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven.
9. The room you're in? Spare bedroom which we call the computer room.
10. Your hobby? Hmmmmm, several things get my attention but fishing, computers, bothering Cheryl comes to mind.
11. Your fear? My family not making it to the Celestial Kingdom or they make it and I do not.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Still around and getting ready for our 50th wedding anniversary.
13. Where were you last night? In Blackfoot, Idaho with a group of band students attending an Army Jazz Concert.
14. What you’re not? Able to function very well due to pain.
15. One of your wish list items? To be able to visit said Alaska and Ireland but to do it pain free.
16. Where you grew up? Teton Valley, Idaho in the Darby section.
17. The last thing you did? Started the fire which I hope Cheryl is taking care of or it will go out.
18. What are you wearing? Welllllllll, aren't we getting nosy.
19. Your TV? An old one. We need a new one so bad it is not funny.
20. Your pet? None now. Since Dusty (the dog) and Gus (the cat) died we have not wanted to replace them.
21. Your computer? I don't know. One that works.
22. Your mood? Hungry, my back hurts, and I feel like watching TV.
23. Missing someone? No. I got Cheryl what more could I want?
24. Your car? A 1989 Ford Tempo that we call the "Scab".
25. Something you’re not wearing? Well, I certainly am not wearing a BRA!!!
26. Favorite store? Any sporting good store or tool store.
27. Your summer? Recuperating from pain.
28. Love someone? Absolutely..., Cheryl.
29. Your favorite color? Deep blue and/or deep purple.
30.When is the last time you laughed? Pretty much every day.
31. Last time you cried? Oh no. Real men don't cry..., just ask John Wayne.
Have a nice day everyone.